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Women with a Cause

About Us


I never planned on becoming a crusader against modern day genecology, I was just a graphic designer from from Manchester with a perfectly normal life except for one dark secret from my childhood. When I was 13 I was sexually assaulted by my doctor under the guise of a routine pelvic exam, for years I suffered with the trauma and PTSD of that experience alone, until one day I realized other people have experienced it too.

So I started my journey to becoming a patient advocate and creating a safe space for all victims to become survivors. 

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frequently asked questions




Q: is this an antivax organization?

A: no definitely not, while we believe in freedom of speech and encourage everyone to share their experiences we are not antivax and believe antivax ideology is dangerous and most of their claims are entirely unfounded.


Q: Why do you hate pelvic exams?

A: because they are worthless and outdated, and are currently not recommended by any reputable health organization, we believe pelvic exams are tool that has been utilized to oppress and dehumanize women and people with vaginas and serve no purpose in a modern, feminist society when they show so little medical benefit and are better replaced with more effective technology. And science is on our side there, because pelvic exams have been debunked by over 70 years of credible research, and currently routine pelvic exams are not recommended by any reputable health organization.  


Q: Where does this organization stand on the debate about weather or not male gynecologists' belong?

A: We understand that this is a nuanced issue and both sides good points, and while we understand it would be impossible to remove all male gynecologists we do feel women would be safer in the doctors office if they could avoid male gynecologists. The statistics on physician sexual abuse while limited show that the majority of perpetrators are male gynecologists and almost all are male doctors. Over 90% of sexual violence against women is committed by men, so we always advocate for using a female provider whenever possible, especially because the law simply does not protect women against this kind of violence from medical professionals anywhere near well enough. While we acknowledge that many women have perfectly fine experiences with male doctors we are a voice for the ones who don't.     


Q: What's with all the pink? 

A: Well that's just us mocking the tons of "women's health organizations who use pretty bright pink graphics to hide their dishonesty about women's health and bodies, basically it's us being a little s***.


Q: Is this a TERF or radical feminist organization?

A" No, we have noticed a worrying trend of transphobia in communities similar to ours and we don't like it. We support our trans brothers and sisters, and try to keep language as inclusive as possible while making it clear we are talking about gynecology and "women's health" as it's often referred to.   


Q:What are your feelings on cervical cancer screening?

A: We get accused of being anti screening a lot, we aren't. We are pro informed consent and pro balanced information on risks and benefits. We do feel when it comes to cervical screening (smear tests or pap smears) that people are not being offered balanced information and having their right to informed consent taken away by a lot of medical providers and health organizations. Screening is a very personal and nuanced choice, we want to encourage people to seek out honest and factual information and make their own decisions on screening.   



we are not medical professionals and feel it is important to make this very clear for legal reasons, if you choose to use info from our site in your medical decisions you are solely responsible for outcomes.

we do our best to verify the validity of our patient reviews but cannot always guarantee they are factual accounts. 

none of the stories shared here are legally considered evidence in a court of law. 




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