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We've all been on the wrong side of the speculum here.

I never planned on being a crusader against modern-day gynecology until I found myself on the wrong side of the speculum, and made it my mission in life to change reproductive health care and empower women and AFAB people to take charge of their bodies and put the care back into reproductive health care.


Rape on the operating table

Did you know sexual assault is legal in 29 US states? It comes as a horiyfing shock to most patients to learn not only is it legal, but it's also commonplace for teaching hospitals to allow med students to practice performing pelvic exams on women unconscious for surgery without their consent or even knowledge. This is something that occurs at most teaching hospitals in the United States, and something that 92% of medical students report having participated in, 75% of medical students admit to having not known whether or not the patient consented to a pelvic exam or knew there was a possibility one might occur. This means that 92% of medical providers trained prior to bans outlawing the practice are potential rapists. Pelvic exams without consent fall into the legal definition of rape according to the FBI, so why are they legal? The law, patients, and any provider who has any business being a medical provider all agree it is assault.

Is your state safe?



green states are safe, red states are unsafe, and purple states are currently passing legislation against nonconsensual pelvic exams

fact or fake?


do you really need that pelvic exam? 

are smear tests really all they're cracked up to be?

Is the HPV vaccine safe?

Can I say no to that invasive test?

get all the answers you're looking for with none of the BS.

Here at the wrong side of the speculum we're dedicated to providing you with all the honest and balanced info you need to make the best possible decisions about your health  

Resources for survivors


if you or someone you love has been a victim of medical abuse or physician sexual abuse we have resources for you and you aren't alone. learn what to do next, how to file a formal complaint with your local medical board, when to seek legal help and where to find it, and when it's malpractice vs when it's criminal. 

follow our blog 


ever wondered how you opt out of that annoying and triggering smear test reminder?

where you can find birth control with no pelvic exam?

check out our blog for regular posts about all of the above and to learn more about our mission and why we exist. 

Support the wrong side of the speculum, buy from our redbubble shop

Every merch purchase supports the wrong side of the speculum and helps us keep growing and allows us to offer even more support and resources, your money goes right back into the organization and right to supporting survivors of medical abuse and physician sexual abuse survivors. Currently, we are trying to buy our domain name for this website.

learn how to have important conversations in a compassionate and sensitive way.

hold Eve Appeal accountable for their inappropriate

 and insensitive behavior.  

Let the charity know how you feel about their belittling, over-sexualized, and just downright creepy social media posts, sign the petition or read our blog about them to learn more about how their behavior harms our community.   

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